The Ultimate Guide to Executive Functioning Skills for Middle School Success

Discover the Importance of Middle School: Interactive Executive Functioning Skills Guide

In recent years, I’ve increasingly heard students—and even some parents—question the significance of middle school. I developed “Why School Matters,” a dynamic tool designed to show students the vast array of skills they acquire during these crucial years. Why Middle School Matters: Middle school is more than just learning basic facts; it’s a critical time for developing executive functioning skills, enhancing soft skills, and fostering active participation and listening skills. These essential competencies prepare students for high school, college, and beyond.

Introducing the “Why School Matters” Online Experience.

Are you curious to see it in action? Visit our demo at and explore the initial features for free. Once you purchase the full package, students can fully engage by building their virtual house and gaining valuable educational tips with each step.

This hands-on approach reinforces their learning and makes it enjoyable and memorable. Upon completing their house, students can print it along with a list of tips personalized to their educational journey. This will serve as a lasting reminder of what they’ve learned and how they can apply these skills moving forward.

Get the package now!

Why Middle School Matters, Executive Functioning, Participation, Soft Skills

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