Classroom Management Tips for Teachers Tasks: Periodically assign students tasks like adjusting the lights or distributing classroom materials. Get all of our products at our Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Executive Functioning Tips for Teachers Keep your class and projects as structured as possible. Even for open-ended activities, try to create steps that have a start and finish.
This Following Directions Behavior Story Bundle is important for teachers because it helps students understand and practice key behaviors that are essential for a smooth and productive classroom environment. The…
Enhancing Teacher-Studen Connections: Ensure students feel appreciated and valued in the learning environment.
Gentle vs. Rough Hands Elementary– Social Skills Behavior Story – SEL Rusty often got excited and touched his friends, which they saw as hitting. During a game of touch football,…
Tip: Small Groups The Three best ways to group students are by ability, learning skills or interest.
Use Visual Supports to Stop POWER Struggles Convey information through concrete formats using Checklists, rubrics, visual signs…
Rusty reviewed how to follow directions, calm himself and by the end of the day, he had fun and couldn’t wait to tell his parents about his day in Kindergarten.
Help Your Students Start Kindergarten off Right You only do your first day of school once. The first day of kindergarten is a teacher’s chance to set the tone for…
Now Open Rusty the Greyhound OUTLET STORE! Get all of the behavior stories, escape rooms and coloring books just like on our Teachers Pay Teachers web-store, but for a discount….