The Importance of Behavior Games
The more opportunities a child gets to review what is a good choice vs. a not good choice, the easier it will be for them to choose in the future. Instead of just drilling them with flashcard style learning activities, behavior games make learning fun and enjoyable.
These games have a review of what is a good choice and not good choice on the topic we are working on. The review is putting pictures of a choices they could make for making a good choice or not a good choice. They then have to match that choice to the correct spot on the board. The topics right now are Following directions, inside voice, good sport, teamwork, and many more coming in the future.
After that, we will play turn taking games. In this game, we practice taking a turn while reviewing the different choices. The first to the finish line wins!
Following Instructions
But what happens if they don’t want to take turns or get upset because they are losing as the game is being played. Well, that is another reason these Behavior Games are so important. Not only do we get to work with students on the specific choices they are making, but we can work on these other skills as well. Our Behavior Lessons, turn-taking games, and Behavior Stories are a great way to help teach kids other skills. You can also give them breaks, and use “first this, then that” language. For example, first, we take three turns, then we can be all done. After they take the three turns, give them a choice to keep playing, or be all done. “You took your three turns, are we all done, or do you want to play more?”
Even though these behavior games are focused on only 1 area, they also help teach many other areas.