Following Instructions, Positive School Behaviors

Following Instructions and Positive School Behaviors

kids following instructions managing preschool behavior

There is nothing more frustrating than giving your students a direction and having them not listen to you. Managing preschool and kindergarten students are very important to make your classroom run so much smoother. If you are a teacher and are managing preschool behavior or looking for a kindergarten behavior lesson or a kindergarten classroom guidance lessons our lessons are great ways to teach your students ways for following instructions and following directions. 

positive school behaviors

Creating positive school behaviors are going to be the key to creating a successful classroom. Kids need a paycheck to successfully follow directions. This does not have to be money but it could be a class reward or an individual reward for a student who needs that little bit of extra motivation. There are different ways you can have a preschool behavior chart but you can also use these in your kindergarten classroom as well. for your classroom fill-in up a jar with pompoms every time the kids follow instructions, or each kid could have their own jar to fill up. Once the jars is filled they get a reward. For the class it could be a pizza party or the kids could pick a prize out of a treasure chest. For your classroom you could also make a following instructions paper chain. Each day or after times when the class is having a hard time you can add a link to the paper chain. once it gets to set point you have a class reward. The ultimate goal is to get it around the room by the end of the year. 

Preschool and kindergarten behavior lesson

Another step to creating positive school behaviors are to do a preschool or kindergarten behavior lesson. These lesson do behavior modeling from popular videos, play behavior games and we read behavior stories. They can be used as a preschool or kindergarten classroom guidance lessons or just for 1 individual student. Just remember to keep it fun and give lots of specificities praise!

Look for more information on following instructions and other ABA tips in our next post.

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