2 Good Choices Card Behavior Games – Social Skills Behavior Games – SEL

2 Good Choices Card Behavior Games - Social Skills Behavior Games - SEL

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2 Good Choices Card Behavior Games – Social Skills Behavior Games – SEL

Rusty, the Greyhound, was a racer before he became a house dog. Polar is his cat brother, who is not always nice. Polar told Rusty he was a slow runner now that he stopped racing. Rusty challenged Polar to a race two times around the track. Let’s work together to help Rusty beat Polar in the race. 

In the game your students will answer questions about emotions, games / turn taking, anger, following directions, manners, personal gain, using words, or dealing with others. The questions are all based on the Adventures of Rusty the Greyhound Behavior Stories but you don’t need to buy the story to play the game. 

Set up: Cut the cards on the thick lines, fold them on the thin lines.

Cooperative Game 


Start by having Player 1 select a card. The card might be about emotions, games / turn taking, anger, following directions, manners, personal gain, using words, or dealing with others. Read the question to the student and then have them answer the question by picking the best choice and acting it out. If it is the correct answer, move Rusty one spot. If the answer is wrong, Polar gets to move one place. After Player 1 is finished, Player 2 gets a turn. But Watch Out! Polar is sneaky and hid a few free turn cards in the deck. If you get a Polar card move Polar one space without answering a question for your turn. 

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Group game 

In this game, each player has to collect as many dog bones as possible. Each correct answer will earn a set number of dog bones. 


Start by having Player 1 select a card. The card might be an emotions, games / turn taking, anger, following directions, manners, personal gain, using words, or dealing with others. Read the question to the student and then have them answer the question by picking the best choice and acting it out. If you say the correct answers, take the correct number of dog bones (See below). If the response is wrong, students get 1/2 credit for asking for help and then giving the correct answer. After the first player’s turn is over, Player 2 gets a turn.

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