Sharing: 15 min. ABA Behavior Lessons Set of 5 Lessons

Sharing: 15 min. ABA Behavior Lessons Set of 5 Lessons

Daily ABA behavior lessons about sharing

When we’re having so much fun with a toy, why would we want to share? Sharing is tough, but Rusty learns that when we share and ask to borrow things politely everything is twice as fun. If your students struggle to share, this behavior lesson about sharing is for you. The daily lessons will take you through a step-by-step week-long lesson to engage your students by sharing toys and games with their friends.

In our lesson about sharing, you’ll have everything you need to take you through one week’s worth of simple lessons to inspire your students to share. Rusty the greyhound will as always, be there as a peer, support, and friendly face for your students to learn from. You’ll have access to a video, story, worksheet, activity, game, and reward system all related to sharing.

Learning about how to make better choices is not always fun or engaging. So Mr. Tom tried to change that. In our lessons, you will learn about a fictional character named Rusty the Greyhound and his best friend Polar the cat. Mr. Tom decided to use his pets Rusty and Polar as characters since they are lovable, cute, and fun.

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