SEL Stories for Kids: Mastering the Skill of Following Directions

This Following Directions Behavior Story Bundle is important for teachers because it helps students understand and practice key behaviors that are essential for a smooth and productive classroom environment. The stories teach students how to follow school rules, listen to directions, behave at circle time, clean up, wait in line, not be the first in line, and act appropriately on field trips.

These skills support better classroom management, enhance learning, and create a more organized and cooperative classroom setting.

In this Following Directions Bundle, you will get the following Stories:

  1. Rusty the Greyhound: Following Directions – Social Skills Behavior Story – SEL
    It is always important to follow the rules. In this story, Rusty learns how important it is to listen to rules everywhere, even at the amusement park. He can’t wait to go on the rollercoaster! He behaves really well by walking beside his mom and waiting patiently in the line. But Rusty doesn’t want to keep his hands inside the car, which means that the roller coaster can’t start. When we don’t follow the rules, we ruin the fun for our friends too… Rusty quickly realizes this and decides to follow the rules so that everyone can enjoy the ride.
  2. Rusty the Greyhound: Learning How to Follow School Rules – Social Skills Behavior Story – SEL
    School rules are there to ensure that everybody has fun, but sometimes, this means that we have to wait our turn. Learn how Rusty decides to wait patiently for the things he wants and asks to borrow things instead of snatching them. After following the school rules with Rusty, we’ll learn some things that we can do to make waiting more fun.
  3. Rusty the Greyhound: Following Directions at Circle Time – Social Skills Behavior Story – SEL
    Circle time can be so much fun for everyone, but not when people aren’t playing by the rules. Rusty doesn’t want to sit down and listen to the story, which is distracting for his friends and teacher. Rusty’s teacher reminds him of the rules, and Rusty realizes that, actually, they’re really simple to follow! All we have to do is sit on a comfortable carpet, use our listening ears, and not talk.
  4. Learning to Clean Up – Social Skills Behavior Story – SEL
    Playing with toys is so much fun, but cleaning up can be a bit boring. Rusty doesn’t want to help his friends clean up the toys after playing, which makes his teacher mad. Rusty decides to start by putting one toy away and then another until he and his friends finally have cleaned up the entire classroom. That was easy!
  5. Rusty Must Wait In Line To Go Outside – Social Skills Behavior Story – SEL
    Not walking in line is a safety issue. When it’s time to play outside, we have to wait in line. But Rusty doesn’t want to do that; Rusty wants to run outside and be the first to play! His teacher tells Rusty that it can be dangerous to run outside by himself and that it’s safer to wait in line for the whole class to go outside together.
  6. Rusty the Greyhound: We Dont Have To Be First In Line – Social Skills Behavior Story – SEL
    When it’s time to line up, Rusty runs to ensure he is first in line. When someone else is first in line, Rusty pushes them out of the way so that he can take their place. Rusty doesn’t want to hurt his friends but learns that pushing them could make them fall over. Rusty’s teacher makes him wait at the back of the line. Although this makes him mad, he remains calm and learns that when everyone is going to the same place, there’s no need to be first in line.
  7. Rusty the Greyhound Must Stand and Walk In Line – Social Skills Behavior Story – SEL
    Rusty doesn’t want to wait in line to go outside; he wants to run faster than his friends and push people out of the way so that he can get there first. He quickly learns that this is dangerous and can lead to someone getting hurt. Not only that but when he can’t follow the rules of waiting in line, he has to start all over again – meaning that he has to wait even longer to go outside. Help Rusty learn the rules for waiting in line and practice the 3 steps to staying calm.
  8. Rusty Gets LOST ELOPING on a Field Trip – Social Skills Behavior Story – SEL
    Rusty runs away from his teachers and class. He was lost and very scared. He learned that he could get hurt or lost if he didn’t stay with his teacher and class. For the rest of the field trip, he stayed with his class.

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Following Directions Behavior Story Bundle

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