That is the way I used to feel. During the holiday seasons, my kids are very spoiled. They get to celebrate both Chanukah and Christmas. The problem is that they…
If you ask any child what their favorite part of the holidays are they will say opening presents. Who does not like to get gifts? However, do you as a parent ever…
Early Intervention Autism Students Try Our Turn Taking Games When you are working with early intervention autism students or early learners taking turns can be a challenge for them. They want to keep…
Preschool Behavior Chart In my previous post “The Power Of Words Of Encouragement For Kids For Following Instructions,” I talked about how important it is to give students a “paycheck” for making…
The Importance of Behavior Games Try Our Behavior Games The more opportunities a child gets to review what is a good choice vs. a not good choice, the easier it…
Behavior Stories For Kids Try our Behavior Stories Behavior stories are a great great way to teach social skills for kids. These simple stories show children different strategies that they could use in…
ABA Behavior Management Strategies & ABA Behavior Programs Are you a teacher and your classroom or just one of your students is a little out of control? Are you pulling…